For financial year ending 31 May 2024
This Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 with respect to the financial year ending 31 May 2024 and is approved by Open GI’s Chief Officers.
The statement sets out the steps taken by Open GI Limited and other relevant group companies during this financial year to monitor for and prevent slavery and human trafficking within its business or supply chains.
Open GI is recognised as one of the leading technology partners to the general insurance industry in the UK and Irish markets, with a strong history of innovation. At the point of this statement, it employs 472 people across multiple locations in western and central Europe.
Open GI is committed to upholding good governance and business practices and takes a zero-tolerance approach to any exploitation of individuals, including those offences covered by the Modern Slavery Act 2015. We strive to do our part in opposing modern slavery and human trafficking in any form, and we will take measures necessary to prevent it.
What we did during our last financial year
- Undertook further updates on our policies and governance.
- Reviewed and selected an alternative awareness and learning platform to make our training more engaging and understandable. This includes mandatory awareness training to increase understanding to help support our approach against modern slavery.
- Undertook a review of our supply chain assessment approach to simplify and streamline it.
- Re-commenced supply chain monitoring using a new approach, and prioritising focus on potentially high-risk suppliers.
- Continue to discuss applicable controls or initiatives as part of our ESG working group.
Supply chain monitoring
Most of Open GI’s operations are UK based, and we source goods and services from predominantly UK-based established suppliers whose supply chains may extend to other regions. In addition to this, we have three overseas software development centres in Krakow (Poland), Skopje and Lake Ohrid (both in Northern Macedonia) which use a limited number of supply chains for goods and services necessary to operate these offices.
Given the nature of the Group’s business (the development and sale of software), most supplies tend to be of tools and services that enable these activities, such as the hardware on which our developers work and third-party software to enhance our operations. We also procure services and supplies to ensure that our premises, whether we own or rent them, are fully operational.
We recognise that it is impossible to guarantee that no slavery or human trafficking is present anywhere in any supply chain, and we therefore continually assess potential high-risk areas. If necessary, we take appropriate action to ensure we are only working with suppliers who share our commitment to eliminating modern slavery and human trafficking.
Open GI is committed to increasing awareness of modern slavery and human trafficking, and this is a required part of our onboarding process for new employees. We ensure that employee awareness is refreshed annually throughout an employee’s tenure with Open GI, and it is an essential part of our ESG agenda and our commitment to supporting equality and diversity in all our employment practices. During the last financial year, 74% of our employees completed awareness training specific to the elimination of modern slavery.
Our HR policies are regularly reviewed to ensure they are compliant with relevant legislation and reflect best practice, including mitigating the potential risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in employment or within our supply chain.
At Open GI, we strive to create an environment of openness and transparency, and we want our employees to feel comfortable raising any concerns or issues they may have. To further this commitment, we have a Speak-Up (whistleblowing) policy in place, which includes a dedicated email address and an anonymous hotline. This provides an additional avenue for employees to report any modern slavery or human trafficking concerns related to Open GI’s direct activities or those of its supply chain. During the last financial year, there were no reports made via our Speak Up process.

Charlie Ralph
Chief Financial Officer